
E-sea is an attempt to translate and simplify the world of Marine Science. My goals are to introduce the basics of Marine Science, explain why we should care, and update the public about ongoing research and current issues. 

I am a Biology and Marine Sciences grad with a passion for North Carolina’s coastal ecology and learning about cool new research. I have worked in labs studying microbial life in the deep ocean, oysters in NC’s Pamlico Sound, and smallmouth bass movements in central Pennsylvania (with some genetics and histology on the side). I believe it is important for people to be able to research and understand the basics of what is going on with our lakes, oceans, and streams and the animals that depend on them. I hope that E-sea will make it easy for you all to learn about some neat research and form your own opinions about the major ocean issues facing our world. Enjoy!


8 responses to “About

    • Thanks so much! Let me know if there’s something specific you’d like to know more about 🙂

  1. Hi, Lydia. Found you via lily pups life. She has a fascinating and varied following. Thank you for educating me about marine biology. My son has expressed interest in becoming a marine biologist. That or an engineer. We shall see. He’s still in high school.

    • Hi Kitt, thanks for checking me out! Lilly Pup really does have quite a following. I connected via Blogging 101. It’s great that your son is interested in Marine Biology! If he has any questions about it I would be happy to answer as best I can. Since he is interested in engineering as well he may want to think about combining the two. All of our ocean gadgets are made by engineers (or the scientists are self-taught engineers of some sort). MacGyver-ing field equipment is an essential skill for Marine Science! Alternative energies may be something else to look into. There is a lot of research going into ocean and tidal energy.

      • Thanks for those leads. I never thought of combining the two. My husband, my son’s father, is a civil engineer and my father is a chemical engineer, so our exposure to engineering has been land-based.

      • No problem! One of the things that I enjoy so much about Marine Science is that it combines so many disciplines: chemistry, biology, engineering, zoology, ecology, geography and geology, physics, art, you name it!

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